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Chinese translation for "water clock"


Related Translations:
clocking:  adj.〔英方〕(母鸡)伏窝孵卵的。
clock:  n.1.钟;挂钟,座钟,上下班计时计。2.〔俚语〕记秒表,卡马表;〔美俚〕〔pl.〕驾驶仪表,速度表,里程计。3.〔英俚〕(人的)面孔。4.〔the C-〕【天文学】时钟座〔星座名〕。5.【自动化】(电子计算机的)时钟脉冲(器)。短语和例子a Dutch clock(报时发杜鹃鸣声的)杜鹃钟 (=cuckoo-clock)。 an eight-day clock八日上一次发
calendar clock:  日历钟。
biological clock:  【生物学】生物钟〔生物体内自动调节对时间的反应的一种机能〕。
cuckoo clock:  (报时似杜鹃鸣声的)杜鹃钟。
body clock:  人体时钟,生理节奏。
electric clock:  电钟。
skeleton clock:  (无外壳而可看到机芯的)骨架钟。
day clock:  每日上一次的钟。
time clock:  生产[出勤]记录钟;【无线电】时钟脉冲。
Example Sentences:
1.Time no longer “ flowed , ” as it did literally in a water clock
2.Its first exhibition , heavenly creations - gems of ancient chinese inventions , includes the world s oldest surviving map on paper and the oldest surviving water clock
在迁址后首个举办的“天工开物- -中国古代科技文物展”中,展出世界上最古老而仍然存在的纸地图和铜壶滴漏。
3.The need to gauge the divisions of the day and night led the ancient egyptians , greeks and romans to create sundials , water clocks and other early chronometric tools
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